Introduction of beautiful places in Gunma with recommended videos

Introduction of beautiful places in Gunma with recommended videosTravel

Yukidaruma, in love with Japan and residing in Hokkaido, celebrates her culture and adventures while mastering English.

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Have you ever wondered about the most stunning and extraordinary places to visit in Japan? Located just a few hours from Tokyo, Gunma offers a perfect escape into nature’s embrace.

In this article, we’ll address the following concerns:

  • Where to experience the most fascinating natural landscapes in Gunma.
  • The best times to visit for a blend of cultural and natural experiences.
  • Tips for making the most of your visit to this unexplored gem.

Dive into this guide and learn how to experience the best of what this fabulous region has to offer.

Fukiware Falls (吹割の滝)

At Fukiware Falls, you can witness the breathtaking power of nature.

Fukiware Falls

Fukiware Falls, often referred to as the “Niagara of Japan,” boasts an impressive drop of 7 meters and spans a width of 30 meters. Its abundant water flow creates a spectacle that has earned it the status of a nationally designated scenic spot. As the water crashes into the basin below, mist rises, often creating rainbows on sunny days.

How to Enjoy
  1. Stroll along the well-maintained walking paths surrounding the falls to capture different views.
  2. Visit during spring to see cherry blossoms and azaleas or in autumn for vibrant fall foliage.
  3. Explore nearby souvenir shops and rest houses for local treats and mementos.

Isn’t it time you experienced the raw beauty of Fukiware Falls? Let the sound of cascading water and the sight of shimmering rainbows captivate your senses.

Visit the Gunma Niagara Falls!

Tourist Information

Fukiware Falls | Nature | Numata Tourism Association

Okushima Lake (奥四万湖)

At Okushima Lake, you can immerse yourself in the serene beauty of nature.

Okushima Lake

Nestled deep within the Shima Onsen area, Okushima Lake is a dam lake known for its mesmerizing “Shima Blue” waters. The lake’s hues shift with the changing seasons, weather, and time of day, offering a dynamic visual treat. Autumn brings a canvas of red and gold, making it a renowned spot for leaf-peeping.

How to Enjoy

  1. Take a leisurely walk around the 4-kilometer perimeter, soaking in the tranquil ambiance.
  2. Gaze at the surrounding mountains and dam from the lakeside.
  3. Visit nearby parks and recreational areas for picnics and relaxation.

Why not escape the hustle and bustle and lose yourself in the tranquil charm of Okushima Lake? Its ever-changing colors promise a unique experience with each visit.

The combination of lake and mountain is the best!

Tourist Information

奥四万湖【QRガイド対応】 | 四万温泉協会
群馬県四万温泉公式観光なびのホームページ。お宿情報を始め、温泉街の情報、観光情報、イベント情報満載の四万温泉公式観光なびはこちらです。 四万温泉協会

Mt. Tanigawa Ichinokurasawa (谷川岳 一ノ倉沢)

At Mt. Tanigawa Ichinokurasawa, you can challenge yourself with thrilling adventures.

Tanigawa-dake Ichinokurasawa

Mt. Tanigawa stands tall at an elevation of 1977 meters, marking its place among Japan’s 100 famous mountains. Ichinokurasawa, located on its southwestern face, is a sheer cliff renowned as a mecca for rock climbing enthusiasts. The area boasts various rock formations, reminiscent of cobblestone streets, offering climbers diverse challenges.

How to Enjoy

  1. Embark on a rock-climbing adventure, testing your skills against the rugged terrain.
  2. Utilize the ropeway and lifts for easier access to the area.
  3. Marvel at the panoramic views from the top, capturing the vastness of the landscape below.

Are you ready for an adrenaline-pumping adventure? Mt. Tanigawa Ichinokurasawa beckons thrill-seekers and nature lovers alike.

Mt. Tanigawa and feel nature with your whole body.

Tourist Information

谷川岳 一ノ倉沢 自然・旧跡 みなかみ町観光協会 みなかみパーフェクトガイド

Mt. Myogi (妙義山)​​

At Mt. Myogi, you can witness some of the most extraordinary rock formations in Japan.

Myogi Mountain

Standing tall at 1104 meters, Mt. Myogi is celebrated as one of Japan’s three great natural wonders. Its steep slopes and sharp peaks are truly a sight to behold. Scattered across the mountain are numerous unique rock formations such as the ‘Ishimon’, ‘Daihouiwa’, and ‘Rousoku Iwa’. These formations give the mountain a mysterious and captivating appearance.

How to Enjoy

  1. Embark on a hiking adventure to explore the mountain’s challenging terrains.
  2. Visit the historical Myogi Shrine, boasting a history of approximately 1500 years.
  3. Capture the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes from various vantage points.

Isn’t it about time you experienced the stunning beauty and rich history of Mt. Myogi? A visit here promises an adventure like no other.


Tourist Information

下仁田町ホームページ : 妙義山

Oze Marshland (尾瀬ケ原)​​

In Oze Marshland, you can immerse yourself in Japan’s largest high-altitude wetland.

Oze Marshland

Oze Marshland is not just any wetland; it’s a treasure trove of biodiversity. Famous for its water lilies, this marshland is home to a plethora of unique flora and fauna. Designated as a national park, efforts have been made to preserve its pristine environment, with wooden pathways constructed for visitors to enjoy without disturbing the delicate ecosystem.

How to Enjoy

  1. Take a leisurely walk on the wooden pathways, absorbing the serene beauty around.
  2. Visit during different seasons to witness the changing landscapes – from vibrant spring flowers to the golden hues of autumn.
  3. Engage in bird-watching and spot some of the rare species that inhabit the area.

Why not take a moment to escape the hustle and bustle and find solace in the tranquil beauty of Oze Marshland?

Extensive nature walks

Tourist Information

Oze National Park [MOE]

Mt. Akagi (赤城山)​​

At Mt. Akagi, you can explore the wonders of a complex double volcano.

Akagi Mountain

Mt. Akagi, one of the three renowned mountains of the Upper Kanto region, is a unique geological marvel. Its peak is adorned with a marsh, surrounded by beautiful birch forests. The mountain’s marsh is famously known as the ‘Akagi Goshikinuma’, which translates to Akagi’s five-colored marshes, reflecting its ability to change colors mesmerizingly.

How to Enjoy

  1. Drive up the mountain using the tourist automobile road for a comfortable journey.
  2. Engage in outdoor activities like hiking or camping amidst the mountain’s natural beauty.
  3. Witness the captivating color changes of the Akagi Goshikinuma, especially during sunrise or sunset.

Are you ready to uncover the mysteries of Mt. Akagi and be enchanted by its ever-changing beauty?

Enjoy the view from Mt. Akagi!

Tourist Information


Azuma Gorge (吾妻渓谷)​​

In Azuma Gorge, you can traverse a picturesque valley stretching approximately 3.5 kilometers.

Azuma Gorge

Carved out by the river waters eroding ancient volcanic lava, Azuma Gorge boasts a series of cliffs, unique rock formations, and cascading waterfalls. The landscape here is ever-changing and offers a visual treat to its visitors. The gorge is especially enchanting during mid-April when the Mitsuba Azaleas bloom, in May when it’s draped in fresh greenery, and from late October to early November when the fall colors are at their peak.

How to Enjoy

  1. Take a leisurely walk along the river, soaking in the diverse beauty of the gorge.
  2. Capture the vibrant hues during the peak seasons of spring and autumn.
  3. Find a quiet spot and immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of nature.

Have you ever dreamt of a place where nature paints its canvas with the most vibrant colors? Azuma Gorge is that dream come to life.

Experience the beauty of Azuma Gorge!

Tourist Information


Ubashiri Waterfall (嫗仙の滝)​​

At Ubashiri Waterfall, you can marvel at a delicate 25-meter cascade exuding a feminine charm.

Ubashiri Waterfall

Located southeast of Kusatsu Town, this waterfall is renowned for its gentle flow and serene beauty. Adjacent to the waterfall stands a majestic Katsura tree, listed among the “Forest Giants Top 100”, with a height of 35 meters and a circumference of 6.7 meters.

How to Enjoy

  1. Follow the walking trail leading to the waterfall, absorbing the tranquility it offers.
  2. Spend some time admiring the grandeur of the neighboring Katsura tree.
  3. Listen to the melodious sound of the cascading water, finding peace in its rhythm.

Isn’t it fascinating how nature can be both powerful and gentle at the same time? Ubashiri Waterfall is a testament to this duality.

Please visit the mysterious Ubashiri Waterfall!

Tourist Information

観光情報 | 湯Love草津(草津温泉観光協会ホームページ)

Mt. Shirane (白根山)​​

At Mt. Mountain, you can explore the wonders of an active volcano with mesmerizing crater lakes.

Shirane Mountain

Mt. Shirane, a parasitic volcano of Mt. Honshirane, is home to the Yubatake, Kareta, and Mizuta craters. The Yubatake crater, in particular, captivates visitors with its emerald green waters, exuding a mystical allure. As an active volcano, visitors can experience the scent of sulfur and witness plumes of smoke. The mountain offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and the Kusatsu Onsen town.

How to Enjoy

  1. Take the ropeway or lift to easily access the mountain’s peak.
  2. Gaze into the enchanting waters of the Yubatake crater.
  3. Enjoy the panoramic views, capturing the essence of Gunma’s natural beauty.

Ever thought of standing atop an active volcano and feeling its raw energy? Mt. Shirane beckons you to experience this thrill.

It’s one of the attractions of hot springs!

Tourist Information

日光白根山登山 - 群馬の日光白根山 ロープウェイ・登山キャンプ・アスレチック・テラスなら 丸沼高原
群馬の日光白根山ロープウェイ・天空テラス・登山・キャンプ・アスレチックなどのアクティビティなら【群馬 丸沼高原】へ!丸沼高原では、自然散策、高山植物観賞をはじめ、山頂駅には展望台を兼ねた天空の足湯を無料でお楽しみいただけます。登山について。


Gunma Prefecture offers a diverse array of natural wonders, from serene valleys and delicate waterfalls to the raw power of active volcanoes.

Exploring these destinations not only provides a deeper appreciation for Japan’s landscapes but also offers a rejuvenating escape from the daily hustle, promising unforgettable memories.

Tourist Information of Gunma

心にググっと観光ぐんま - 群馬県観光公式サイト
心にググっと観光ぐんま - 群馬県観光公式サイト